
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


Call to schedule service or a free quote on a new system

Garburator Repair

We can unclog your current garburator and remove any drain blockages that resulted from the garburator’s failure.
A $89 evaluation fee applies to garburator repairs. In most cases we will recommend a new garburator if your current garburator requires a new part. This is because it is usually not much more expensive to install a new garburator than it will be to locate and install a new part for an older garburator. See our online specials on new garburators (installed from $249).
To schedule your garburator installation or repair, call 604 GOOD GUY (604 466 3489) or use our online form.

For More Information Or To Schedule A Free Quote On A New System

Call 604 GOOD GUY (604 466 3489)

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