The three most common brands of central heat pumps in BC are probably Lennox, Carrier (which also makes Tempstar and Keeprite), and Trane (which also makes American Standard). They make systems with similar specifications such as HSPF2 (the heating efficiency rating), noise rating, and warranty periods.
The HSPF2 rating is measured by AHRI, an independent organization. The noise ratings are provided by the manufacturers, and may not be directly comparable.
Each model is available in several different sizes, usually ranging from 24,000 to 60,000 BTU. Generally, the smaller sizes are quieter and more efficient than the larger sizes. For ease of comparison, the best rating (among all sizes) is listed for the HSPF2 and noise levels.
The warranty terms listed here apply when the system is properly registered by a qualified dealer. Some systems may include shorter warranties depending on the dealer and whether or not the system is registered properly.
Variable Speed Heat Pumps
Lennox | Carrier | Trane |
SL25XPV 10.3 HSPF2 55 dB Sound Rating 10 year parts warranty |
25VNA4 10.0 HSPF2 51 dB Sound Rating 10 year parts warranty |
XV20i 8.7 HSPF2 54 dB Sound Rating 12 year compressor warranty 10 year warranty on other parts |
EL22XPV Up to 9 HSPF2 61 dB Sound Rating 10 year parts warranty |
25VNA8 Up to 9 HSPF2 55 dB Sound Rating 10 year parts warranty |
XV18 Up to 8.5 HSPF2 |
EL18XPV Up to 8.7 HSPF2 61 dB Sound Rating 10 year parts warranty |
XV17 Up to 8.5 HSPF2 54 dB Sound Rating 12 year compressor warranty 10 year warranty on other parts |
Two Stage Heat Pumps
Lennox | Carrier | Trane |
Lennox is phasing out two stage heat pumps |
25TPB7 |
25TPB7 |
XR16 |
Single Stage Heat Pumps
Lennox | Carrier | Trane |
EL17XP1 |
25SPA5 |
XR15 |
ML17XP1 |
25SPA6 |
Up to 8.1 HSPF2 |
27SCA5 |
XR14 |
Importance of a quality installation
In a recent report, Consumer Reports found that “28 percent of the builder-installed units failed compared with 18 percent for owner-installed systems.” (Note systems “installed by homeowners” refers to homeowners who hired a heating & AC contractor, not to homeowners who performed the installation themselves.) This shows the type of installer chosen can increase breakdowns by more than 50%.
Aa UK study by the energy saving trust measured the real world efficiency levels of 28 heat pumps. They found that only 4 of the systems performed near their potential efficiency, and several of them were operating less than half as efficiently as they should have been. So installation quality can more than double the performance of a heat pump. This suggests that choosing a contractor that performs quality installations is much more important than which brand you choose.
UK Heat Pump Efficiency Study: Only 4 of 28 heat pumps were classified as “well performing.” The rest suffered significantly due to poor installation quality. Several of the heat pumps were operating at less than half of their potential efficiency. This suggests selecting a quality installer is more important than brand selection.
These results suggest that while some brands may be slightly more efficient or reliable than others, choosing a poor company to install your system can increase breakdowns by more than 50% or decrease efficiency by more than half. In general, choosing a good installer seems much more important than brand selection.
To learn more about your heat pump installation options, visit our heat pumps page.
To schedule a free quote on a new heat pump, call 604 GOOD GUY (604 466 3489) or use our online form.
I have a 3600 sq ft 25 years old house. I currently have the original standard tho thermo^pmps ( 2 and 3 tons) and two electric hot hair furnaces.
After 25 years it is time tochange the systems.
I live in Montreal and I am not sure which system would better perform in cold tempreature: Zuba or Carrier-Greenspeed???
Carrier claims they outperform Zuba but my understanding it may be the case in a warmer climate than Montreal. There figures don’t go lower than temrature of -20c.
Which one of the two systems better perform in cold climate?
I think the most important thing is to find a good installer. I’m not sure if you’d have very many installers in Montreal who have a lot of experience installing these systems (unless it’s a lot different than Vancouver and most other places).
The Carrier has a higher HSPF but that might be because it is more optimized for the North American ratings process- and yes, the Zuba is a bit more optimized for lower temperatures. It’s probably debatable which one is better- but like I said there probably aren’t many good installers for these systems so that’s probably the most important consideration.